You know something good is coming when a chef who has spent a considerable part of his life in Italy comes back to his home country to share a slice of Vita Italiana. That’s the life of Chef Naresh Verma who, along with the entrepreneurship of Anirudh Gupta came up with La Vie.

La Vie is really small in size, like a little gallery and the mirrored wall gives a feeling of extra space. The seating and furniture is too casual, therefore the prices, which are almost equal to any fine dine Italian restaurant, seem to be on a steeper side. Their menu is rather large but restricts itself to traditional Italian fare without venturing into the Indian flavours like some American pizza chains.

We tried few items from their summer menu. First we tried Café Da which was a Vietnamese style iced coffee. It had a very good strong flavour consisting of less milk and more water. It reminded me of the iced coffee we used to have on the go at Old Town White Coffee in Malaysia. We also tried Mint Cucumber Cooler and Tamarind Rush. The cucumber drink was too thick and less sweet, something a person on a diet will definitely appreciate. The other cooler, apart from having tamarind had a good amount of crushed green chillis. It was too spicy and too sweet. It was a bit strong for me but I found it good for a change.

Then we tried Mushroom Spinach Tortellini Salad. The tortellini (which is basically a stuffed pasta) had excellent flavour and went well with accompanying ingredients like rocket leaves, roasted pepper, artichoke and sun dried tomatoes. In appetizer we tried The Spanish Tango. It was basically bacon (yes bacon!) wrapped chicken with Spanish olives. I liked the presentation of the dish inside the cocktail glass. Without giving entire credit to the bacon I found the dish really tasty. We also tried Spaghetti Aglio Olio which was a much spicier and ingredient rich version of the original dish with all the olives, cherry tomatoes and cilantro.

Coming to the pizza, we were specially served half n half pizza consisting of Hawaiian Vacation and Peppery Chicken Pizza. I was a bit disappointed by the Hawaiian pizza as it did not have pineapple topping. On inquiry the manager informed that pineapple wasn’t fresh and as a matter of policy they never use ingredients which are not fresh. In a way it is good, but I would have preferred if they informed it before. The chicken in Peppery Chicken Pizza had more of garlic flavour than pepper. The cherry tomatoes gave it a really good tangy twist. The crust had the perfect crispness but was still easily foldable, just like the way Italians like to have it.

The best part of the meal was also their most innovative dish The Dessert Pizza. Out of many options we went for Apple Crumble Pizza and Oh Boy we weren’t disappointed. Overall experience left me satisfied and I recommend everyone to come to La Vie at least once especially to try their Dessert Pizza.  

Quick Facts
La Vie 
011 33106002
51A, Khan Market,
New Delhi
Meal for two – 1500(Approx.)

Disclaimer – This review was done on an invitation from the establishment. Views expressed in the review is entirely ours and without any bias. Pictures of the dishes are not the standard portions, they are sample portions.
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