What an amazing afternoon it was!

In an incredible effort put in by Osama Jalali, his mother and his wife along Executive Chef Ravitej Nath  of Oberoi Gurgaon to search, create and then re-create some of the dishes from Mughal Era was a daunting task. Searching for recipes, meeting with old khansamas, historian and scholars was herculean task.

Transforming those into reality and re-creating every single dish without adding modern day spices was indeed incredible. Both Osama and

Chef Ravitej accepted the fact that re-creating these dishes was tough. This was mainly for the simple reason that they were unaware of the original taste and hence keeping in control of their personal likings, these dishes had to be prepared as it is. The final outcome would have decided the original taste and in between any temptation to bring anything additional would take away the originality. Indeed, Cheers to Osama, his mother and his wife and ofcourse the entire team of Oberio for coming through this incredible journey

Arbi ka salan and Amba qalia was outstanding and so was the yakhni kebab. The kebab was neither like shami nor like shikhampur, however the texture and flavour was brilliant. Parinde mein parinda was sheer example of finesse and hard work, three different types of bird and three distinct flavour.

Muthanjan stole my heart despite the fact that I am not big fan of nuts and dry fruits used in dishes. Motia pulao was another example of finesse. The surprise element was gosht ka halwa which everyone will love.

Kudos to Executive Chef Ravitej Nath for his extraordinary effort in bringing forth, forgotten food of Mughal era and to Osama’s family for pouring extraordinary culinary experience!
Last but not the least, Thank you Mallika for your timeless effort.
The festival is on till 16th aug
Threesixty one at Oberoi Gurgaon

Buffet – 3500AI
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