Get Baked Product-RangeIn a country passionate about food, snack time essentially meant pigging out on all sorts of junk food. So as we happily relished unhealthy snacks like kachoris, samosas, potato chips and farsan we became much more than a few kilos overweight. In such a scenario, healthy snacking remained elusive and a concept that was too difficult to follow. Now of course staying fit is in and we have brands that endeavour to keep Indians fit and fabulous. One such brand is Get Baked. The energy, vitality and clarity of thought good health gives you is the driving force behind Get Baked. The brand currently offers cookies and crunch rocks made from ingredients that are good for the body and taste fantastic. The concept of Get Baked is simple- it’s time to junk your junk food. It’s time to get baked. And I did.

The cookies come in two varieties- Cranberry Almond and Dark Chocolate Chip. Made from wholesome ingredients like oat flour, almond flour, whole wheat flour and organic brown sugar, the cookies also contain butter and eggs. The Cranberry Almond Cookies contain cranberries and whole almonds which contrast the soft cookie base with a bit of nuttiness. Dark Chocolate Chip Cookies contain chocolate chips and are a delight for chocoholics. Both the varieties are full of flavour and easy to bite into. A packet contains 5 pieces each.

Get Baked Product-RangeMy favourite snacking option though of Get Baked are the Maple Crunch Rocks made from oats, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, maple syrup, vegetable oil and organic brown sugar. The chia seeds were a surprise element that blended well with the other ingredients while providing functional and wellness benefits. The rocks are a better alternative to granola bars. Since they are made from nutritional and high quality ingredients, they are rich in fiber, 100 % natural and alleviate hunger pangs by providing a sustained energy release.

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Contact no: +91 9920047611

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Sanaea Patel. 

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