maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer, urbanescapades.inWhen I started writing blog, I had no idea, how things will shape up. In fact I was not even sure, how far I will go. For beginning to blog, my reason was very simple – to document my experiences which is otherwise difficult to remember and I had passion for writing. Over the years I learned a lot from my various food reviews, meetings with chefs and by reading a lot of articles online. I continue to read and enjoy my learnings. There are lot of people that have impressed me with their writing skills and I follow/observe them closely.  Most of them over the years have earned the respect in food writing/blogging. I have been speaking to lot of people on food bloggers and their views as well as on the people they follow. Sometimes I wonder why people say that they do not read others blog.

It is always interesting to know and learn the way various people pen down their thoughts, share experiences and perspective, which in itself is enriching. You get to know how people look and perceive the same things in different manner – positive as well as negative. It is also worthwhile to understand, the freedom of speech/writing that creates ripple effect on our minds. To me, reading unfolds mysteries and connects me to their mind, characters as well as personalities. I proudly, accept the fact that I read lot of peoples’ post and follow them too! I enjoy reading my fellow bloggers post as well, whenever I meet them at bloggers’ table.

I am sharing the list of my favourite writers of India. I follow, read and learn from them. I wouldn’t’ want to pick up their style of writing as every individual carry their unique style and I too would want to carve out a place for myself in the food industry.  You would also enjoy reading their posts. They aren’t bloggers – They are food writers. Some of them are journalists and some write for the love of food.

  1. Dr. Pushpesh Pant – He is guru of food writing in India. To me he is like an encyclopaedia, as you get answers of every question you ask on food. Wikipedia has at times, incorrect/incomplete information and nothing can beat, Dr. Pants’ immense command over the food history. He gets extremely passionate while he shares his knowledge on food. I can simply sit and hear him out, forever. He has inspired lot of people, including me to focus on food history. You can follow him on twitter.
  2. Rocky Mohan – His knowledge, command over the subject is brilliant. Someone with extensive knowledge on food and yet so humble. I had the privilege to meet him couple of times and he has given me valuable tips as well. And not to forget, he has written some excellent cook book as well. You can follow him on twitter.
  3. Vir Sanghvi – I admire him for his command over the subject. His research and knowledge is brilliant! I follow him (and not stalk!) regularly. His column in HT Rude Food is one of my favourites and I don’t miss any opportunity to read the same, every Sunday. You can follow him on twitter and blog.
  4. Sourish Bhattacharyya – someone with more than 3 decades of experience in lifestyle and food domain is a reason enough to follow. His blog covers the inside story of f&B industry. For all the developments, inside news of industry, new openings, and mergers – You will find everything on his blog. His flawless story writing is something which has been a treat in itself. You can follow him on twitter and blog.
  5. Anoothi Vishal – she is straight, to-the-point and honest. Her stories too clearly depict it. I like her approach towards her stories. Her research, way of presenting such stories is worth learning. She can be brutal too in giving an honest feedback. You can follow her on twitter and blog.
  6. Madhulika Dash – I enjoy reading and the way she writes. Her knowledge, command on the subject, research, assembling the story, sequencing – is absolutely delightful to read. You can follow her on twitter.

I would love to know if you too have your favourites too. Please do share and I would love to follow the way they weave stories on food – It’s a journey that I enjoy!

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