I have always believed that a washroom says a lot about the person and the place. I remember ages ago before these brands started capturing the hotels of the small town we always used to stay in those hotels near airports or railways stations and the first thing my dad used to check was the washroom. If it’s clean we would check in, otherwise search for another place. You must check out the washroom at Prankster.

Well, this isn’t an ideal way to start a food review, but hey this is about Prankster, India’s first F&B Campus with mammoth 10k square feet area in over saturated sector 29 market of Gurgaon. Weekend can be chaos here but thankfully they have valet parking.

Since the name is Prankster and theme is your college days, I decided to be little quirky and funky, if you know what I mean.

Theme of the restaurant is quirky and gives you the impression of your college days. The moment you enter, library is on your left and to its opposite is the laboratory. Remember those library days where you would just go there to see that girl on whom you had a crush: P. Yes, I know, it still gives you goosebumps when she would catch you starring at library where you were doing nothing. J

Laboratory will remind you of the things which we used to hate. That period has always been a pain and I always wanted to avoid that, but hey here, it isn’t like that. You will chill and enjoy!

At the back of the laboratory there is dormitory that will remind you of your early days of college life, those late night masti, making maggi on the heater, those midnight tea breaks and then those pajama parties.

You also have classroom that we always wanted to stay away from, scooter parking area where we used to sit and have gupshups and masti.prankster sector 29 gurgaon, mysticfoodiemantra.com

There is lot more to it, at Prankster, that takes you back to the college days. The interiors are rustic and offers lot of different options to sit in, not to forget there is Chinese wala van and the car-o-bar section too. Though the seating is bit uncomfortable.

It is the brainchild of Inderjeet Singh Banga and Jasmeet Banga the duo brother behind one of the most successful restaurant based on bar-be-que on the table “Pirates of the Grill”.

I met them couple of months ago at Pirates of Grill at Mall of India, which then opened and he told me about his project and I was quite intrigued to hear about Prankster. It sounded very promising.

He invited me last week for preview of Prankster which is yet to open for public. Chef HarAngad Singh who is the man behind the food at Pranskter has worked with Tresind (Dubai) and Varq in past. It’s Nostalgic Progessive Cuisine which I didn’t understand but in simple terms its fusion food, though not fully molecular but has some elements of it in couple of dishes.

We ate lot of stuff and by the end I was so full that I couldn’t even taste the main course. Whatever I tasted I would definitely share with you. Flat guppa with spicy pani as sphere was served as amushe bouche and it was good.

I love the way they interpreted the humble dosa and sambhar, served in Cappuccino style with crispy dosa. It was the perfect soup which I can repeat without even thinking twice. While Dahi bhalle ice-cream didn’t work for me as the super chilled (Nitrogen -196 degree min) numbed the palate and I couldn’t taste the flavour.prankster sector 29 gurgaon, mysticfoodiemantra.com

Pav Bhaji Zinker and Sago samosas both lacked the basic flavour. The sago samosa was dry and the spiciness wasn’t balanced by the kiwi chutney. It should have been sweeter and tangy to cut down the spiciness of samosa. Pav bhaji Zinger was perhaps the most confusing dish which even got me confused – Was it pao bhaji or vada pao! The Lamb chop was dry but was perfect on spices. Flaky Pizza which was inspired from moroccon cuisine is the star at Prankster.

The palate cleanser that was served should have been more citrus so that it actually can clean your palate. One of the dish that I tried in main course was rampuri mutton and it was absolutely kick ass – perfectly cooked mutton with meat falling off the bones. Enjoyed this with warqi paratha. By the time other main course arrived I was so full that I failed to understand the taste and flavour of main course.

The jalebi and saffron ice-cream was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed the Baked Sheera in Coconut Payasam.  (Middle Eastern inspired dessert).

Prankster has just opened up and it has a long way to go. However looking at the profile of Chef and the concept of this place, I have no doubt that this place will do wonders.

Quick Facts /

Biggie Hospitality LLP,
Site No. 8-9-10
Sector 29
122001 Gurgaon
Phone – 0124 426 6653
Meal for two – INR 2000 Approx( minus alcohol and taxes)


Disclaimer – This review was done on an invitation from the establishment. Views expressed in the review is entirely ours and without any bias. Pictures of the dishes are not the standard portions, they are sample portions.


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