The year 2010,

While sitting in a restaurant and admiring their cutlery or their plates/glassware, I always wondered and I wished, If I could get them. Ah, but it wasn’t easy for various reasons.

The year 2017,

Sitting in a super luxury hotel and admiring glassware and wanted to buy them, the server says Sir this will cost you Rs.XXX. Hola, no it’s not dreaming but its reality.

Welcome to Annamaya, the foodhall which opened at the super luxury hotel Andaz. The concept of foodhall where you do not just get to eat, but can buy stuff too. The place is huge and the concept of “made in India” makes it more interesting. You will find a lot of artisanal products – from crockery to salt to sauces. Open live kitchen, the lot of natural lights and some interesting interior make it colorful and vibrant. The food here is European yet with Indian inspiration. A lot of micro greens and some simple yet delicious salads, excellent drinks (non-alcoholic, they are yet to get alcohol license), maneesh srivastva food and lifestyle photographer,, maneesh srivastva food and lifestyle photographer,, maneesh srivastva food and lifestyle photographer,

We were invited to have a look at the Annamaya, and understand about the place, their concept and the thought process behind it. This was followed by lunch that comprised of some interesting fusion dishes.

Based on a concept of foodhall where you can not only appreciate local produce, artisanal product but if you like, can buy too!

Inspired by the colors and flavors of India, Annamaya’s concept is “Made in India” and focusses on local artisanal product and locally sourced ingredients to encourage guests to eat, shop and relax.

We tried some excellent salads. Use of micro greens, citrus flavor, fruits and aloe vera, surely makes salad fresh and healthy. Seasonal fruits/vegetables like, carrot and pumpkins, grilled and served with bread too was interesting!

Annamaya is a great concept that offers guests fresh and local produce and a chance to appreciate the local artisanal product., maneesh srivastva food and lifestyle photographer,



Disclaimer – This review was done on an invitation from the establishment. Views expressed in the review is entirely ours and without any bias. Pictures of the dishes are not the standard portions, they are sample portions.


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