urbanescapades.in, maneesh srivastva blogger and lifestyle photographerChange is the only constant.

I can’t thank you enough guys for showing your love and support over last five years. When I started MFM, food was the main theme. However over a period of time MFM team has grown into varied dimensions based on calibre, interest and skill.
Based on the dimensional growth, we integrated our interest and built new platforms and crossed boundaries to make changes.

We are now proud to announce that Mystic Foodie Mantra is now “The Urban Escapades “.

Mystic Foodie Mantra, definitely had gained lot of recognition and fame on food blogging. With the expansion of team ( I am lucky to have a talented team) we also grew horizontally, and at MFM we felt that we weren’t able to cater to lot of requests on lifestyle and other stories as food was always the main theme for MFM. A separate domain would have meant taking away what already exists and creating a new platform – It would have meant starting from scratch, even though MFM had a platform!

Hence we thought of renaming and expanding it further and thus the birth of “THE URBAN ESCAPADES”

The blog will focus on everything that has a human element!

We look forward to your extended support and as a team we are glad of our new venture The Urban Escapades – Because life is a journey. 

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