Pan fried kulcha with paneer, soya and Japanese mustard
4, servings, 50 min.


Chopped onion 50g

Mushroom 50g

Japanese soya meat 50g ★

Paneer 100g

Japanese oriental mustered 40g★

Chopped coriander 20g

Salt to taste

Pepper to taste

Chopped Gari 10g★

Toasted sesame seed 30g

Vegetable oil 50ml

Japanese style sauce 30g★


For kulcha

Gluten 1g

Salt 2g

Sugar 5g

Yeast 3g

Improver 1g

Vegetable oil 5ml

Curd 10g

Water 50ml

Maida 120g


Directions for Kulcha

Put all ingredient dough mixers and mix well until nice and soft, remove and keep a side

Cut into 4 round shape, 20g each

Roll it little bit then mix filling then pat with hand, keep it for 20minutes

Pre heat oven 200 degree then bake in the oven for 5 minutes

Remove and keep aside



Take fry pan, put oil, after oil heated put chopped onion let it be golden brown

Then add mushroom, Japanese soya meat, paneer, Japanese oriental mustered, Chopped coriander, salt and pepper, chopped gari, toasted sesame seed, mix it together until all ingredient well-cooked then remove and cool down

Stuffed in the kulcha and filling, then bake in the oven with 200 degree for 5minnutes

At Last pan fried with butter and Japanese style sauce 2 min till it become brown

Topped Japanese style sauce


MAFF, JETRO and ASSOCHAM host India’s first Indo-Japan Food Forum

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF) hosted their first Indo-Japan Food Forum on March 16th 2017 in New Delhi. The forum was co-sponsored by JETRO (Japan External Trade Organisation) and ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India). The theme of the forum was ‘Food and Health’, and its prime objective was to showcase the strong advantages exhibited by Japanese food and technology, both in terms of taste and benefits to health. The forum opened doors to several leading Japanese food processing companies, known for their technology, to invest in India. The forum focused on the merits of the ingredients and preparation techniques of Japanese food.

The forum saw the presence of distinguished chefs, government officials and members from known Japanese food processing companies. Also present at the event was Mr. Tejima, the Founder of Sushi Junction. He held a discussion where he spoke of his inspiration to enter the Indian market, the similarity and affinity between Japanese and Indian palates, and the growth of Sushi Junction here in India. *

*from press release




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