Vikash Kalra is a new talent in the international art world. He has been exploring ideas intrinsic to the work of those who inspire him. He is known for his fluidity, throwing out images of things seen or spilling them on to the canvas. His paintings are abstract. Mr. Kalra never drew anything or never attempted paintings in notebooks. He started drawing on the magazines that he was supposed to sell. Since then, his attention turned from selling books to drawing on those books and magazines. His never ending enthusiasm to paint the Couples starts from this identification with the family life both as a heavenly experience and a torturing social system. maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer,, maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer,,

His work has been divided into five major categories – Landscapes, Faces, Couples, Female nudes and combination of human and animal forms. In the beginning of his creative career, Mr. Kalra was obsessed by/with the works of Picasso and Souza. This led him to explore human faces as a field that could well capture the emotions that were intensely felt by human beings. His style of work has been widely exhibited across India and also has a forthcoming show in Mumbai and UK. His work has also been held in private and corporate collections too. Few of his exhibitions have been:

  • THE ALCHEMIST – a monographic exhibition – Solo show – August 2014 – Art and Aesthetic, Lado Sarai, New Delhi.
  • Four Walls – Exhibition of India’s contemporary art-Taj Westend, Bangalore from 4th -13th April 2014, with Artchutney

In the context of the present exhibition, it would be interesting to have a look at the sculptures of Mr. Kalra. An idea of creating something in three dimensional led him work on something with clay. His expertise lies in free-hand sculptures and paintings. maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer,,

Mr. Kalra was born in Delhi on 27th July 1973. He completed his graduation from Delhi University in Commerce. He always had a keen interest art work hence has been a self taught artist. He has two ideals in his creative life- Pablo Picasso and Francis Newton Souza. maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer,,

He resides in New Delhi with his wife and two children. His idea of spending time with family is all about creating a happy atmosphere. As a music lover, he has a good collection of musical instruments procured from different parts of the country. Without any training he plays them; the same philosophy that “he lives in his paintings, of painting without knowing how to paint”. He plays them without grammar and he says that he plays those instruments to muse himselfmaneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer,,


maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer,,


maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer,,


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