If anyone asks me which is my favourite Italian restaurant in the country I would definitely say, La Piazza. This restaurant is one of the oldest and the best restaurants in the country. With Trattoria style setting and live kitchen, it possesses a charm like no other fine diner in the capital. I have been dining here since forever and can describe my every experience here as superlative. Their pizzas, among other exceptional things on the menu, are simply unmatched.

On 14th January La Piazza hosted an exclusive ‘farm to table’ concept Brunch where Chef Ciro Sorrentino used fresh produce from the hotel owner Mr Shiv Jatia’s magnificent farm for curating the menu and preparing an exotic organic Sunday Brunch.

maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer, urbanescapades.in, hyatt new delhi, la piazza, farm to table brunch, jatia farm houseIt was a surprise to know that most of the vegetarian ingredients in La Piazza are sourced from this farm. I believe that’s the reason why their food tastes so fresh. Before the brunch, we were taken to a mini-tour of the farm with Mr Rohila, an expert horticulturist who explained us the various processes that are used in the farm to ensure the desired quality and quantity of produce including how the optimum temperatures are maintained inside the farm. The quality of the produce was top notch and they grow more than 100 varieties of fruits and vegetables like strawberries, oyster mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, bell peppers, various types of chillies, Swiss chard, curly kale, purple cauliflower, watercress etc.

The brunch consisted of an exceptional range of salads, pizzas and strawberry-based desserts. High-quality lettuce in salad means that half the battle is already won. Add to that oyster mushrooms, smoked chicken, bocconcini cheese balls or the lovely burrata, cherry tomatoes, some basil and you get a salad of your dreams.

maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer, urbanescapades.in, hyatt new delhi, la piazza, farm to table brunch, jatia farm houseIt was no surprise to know that Chef Ciro comes from Napoli, the birthplace of pizza, as every bite that I dug into a slice was pure heaven. While some pizzas consisted of pure vegetarian farm produce the others purely consisted of pork pepperoni. But the one that stole the show was Burrata Pizza consisting of Buratta of course along with Parma ham, arugula, parmesan and extra virgin olive oil. It was like a hybrid of salad and pizza.

I couldn’t think of a better day for such kind of brunch as the weather was perfect, being both cool and sunny at the same time. The strawberry-based desserts were great and some healthy cocktails kept the conversation and laughter going.


Disclaimer – This review was done on an invitation from the establishment. Views expressed in the review is entirely ours and without any bias. Pictures of the dishes are not the standard portions, they are sample portions.



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