executive chef rohit tokhi

maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer, urbanescapades.in, the leela ambience convention hotel delhi , cafe knosh, back to college festival
maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer, urbanescapades.in,
maneesh srivastva, lifestyle blogger and photographer, urbanescapades.in,
maneesh srivastva lifestyle blogger and photogrpher, urbanescapades.in, International BBQ Festival , The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel
Cherry Bar The Leela Ambience Convetion Hotel, mysticfoodiemantr.com, maneesh srivastva, food and lifestyle blogger
benaras food festival, the leela ambience convention hotel, mysticfoodiemantra.com, maneesh srivastva food and lifestyle blogger
Food Stories

Benaras Food Festival at Dilli 32, The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel

कहते हैं ख़ाक भी जिस जमीं की पारस है,शहर मशहूर यह बनारसहै शायर नजीर बनारसी लिखते हैं, गर स्वर्ग में

Maneesh Srivastva, food , travel and lifestyle blogger, photographer, mysticfoodiemantra.com , Dill 32, Grand Trank Road Culinary Journey, The Leela Convention Hotel
Maneesh Srivastva, food , travel and lifestyle blogger, photographer, mysticfoodiemantra.com , Amritsar food festival, dilli 32, The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel