Since I had liked my therapies at Kailasdham Kerala Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Centre, Pune last time I had visited, it was time to head back there. This time I tried Marma Therapy. After being greeted by the warm and smiling Anne Thomas, Manager, Fitness Centre of Kailasdham, it was time for consultation with Dr. K.R. Chandramohan, BAMS, MD (Ayu.), PGD Yoga science and a specialist in Marma Therapy. A nagging lower back pain and knee pain was the reason I opted for this therapy.

Marma Therapy at Kailasdham Kerala Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Centre

Explaining what the therapy is, Dr. K.R. Chandramohan said, “Just like blood flows and breath circulates, Marma energy (pranic energy) rapidly rotates and circulates in the human body. Any blockage to this flow may lead to pain in that affected body part and if it is a permanent one then it will lead to a disease. In short, correction of this blockage through certain hand related techniques is called Marma Therapy. Quick results, not requiring long term treatment and of course a less expensive treatment are the benefits of this therapy.”

He used his hands as well as fingertips to apply varying pressure to the particular marma points of my back and knees for 15-20 minutes. While this was being done Dr. Jiji, BAMS added, “Low backache, frozen shoulder, knee joint problems, migraine, headache, cervical problems and tennis elbow are some of the common ailments treated through Marma Therapy.”

Marma Therapy at Kailasdham Kerala Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Centre

I then proceeded for an oil therapy called Saindhava Kizhi which uses potlis. The potlis are freshly prepared depending on the ailments and are made with herbs wrapped inside specific cotton cloth. Two therapists worked simultaneously applying the potlis dipped in warm oil on my body. As the herb extracts permeated my back and knees, I could feel the intensity of my pain greatly reduce. The strokes helped in toning my muscles while the oil was a mixture of Murivenna, kottamchukkadi and karpooradi.

Marma Therapy at Kailasdham Kerala Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Centre

The next step was steam application or what is known is Swedana (Sudation). Dr. Madhuri Sonawane, BAMS, MD explained, “Steam helps in detoxification, improves digestive fire, clears the body channels and restores the function of the joints.” Once it was done, I tried an apple soy smoothie made at the café of Kailadham. It was refreshing and a good way to end my pain relief Marma Therapy.


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Khursheed Dinshaw.

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