There are few places in India which offer natural hot sulphur spring baths and even fewer which offer them in the privacy of a hygienic and classy hotel. Hotel Hot Spring Therme & Spa at Tattapani is one such hotel. You can either enjoy the experience in your own clothes or change into the ones provided by the hotel staff. Before getting into the sulphuric water thermal pool, I drank some water. You can also have green tea or fruit juice.

One has the option of sitting in the common pool or the private pool. I chose the common pool as not only is the experience unique but serene as well as I looked at lush green mountains in front of me.  Sulphuric water helps to treat dermatological, rheumatic and psychological problems and reduces mental stress. This water contains 37 minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, cadmium, zinc, chromium, phosphorus, potassium and silica.

Prem Raina, Director, Hotel Hot Spring Therme & Spa, Tattapani added, “Sulphuric water at our hotel gushes from a depth of 150 feet below the earth and the best way to experience this water therapy is to immerse yourself in the sulphuric water for a few minutes and then have a cold shower followed by again sitting in the hot sulphuric water. This contrast of hot and cold helps to improve blood circulation, removes toxins, opens the pores of the skin and helps the skin to glow.”

Almost 100 litres of sulphuric water gush into the common pool in a minute and are constantly filtered. This pool is drained in the evening and refilled while the private pool is drained and refilled after each guest experience. It is advised not to stay for more than 20 minutes at a stretch in the thermal pool specially in the summer season. Also sulphur tends to fade the colour of silver so it is best to remove jewellery before entering the pool. Health issues like heart problems, hypertension and blood pressure should be brought to the notice of front office staff or the pool attendant so that such guests can be advised accordingly.

After the therapy, guests are given drinking water to sip followed by green tea.

Hotel Hot Spring Therme & Spa

Tattapani-175 009, Shimla Hills, Himachal Pradesh

+91 1907 230763/64

Khursheed Dinshaw

Hot sulphur bath, Hotel Hot Spring Therme & Spa, Tattapani

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