My thoughts on home delivery are different. It is simple! If you do not wish to order, no one is forcing you or even trying to convince you. If someone is ordering, don’t force your opinion on them

Covid-19 has forced us to stay at home and maintain social distancing. We are unable to move, stick to our house, and eat at home. After the pizza delivery boy was tested positive, people were skeptical about home delivery. My thoughts on home delivery are different. It is simple! If you do not wish to order, no one is forcing you or even trying to convince you. If someone is ordering, don’t force your opinion on them. I have been using online delivery and have been taking all precautions.

Because of this pandemic, while we are forced to sit at home and cook food, social media is full of home-cooked food and its pictures. People are horning their skills like there is no tomorrow. I thought of sharing a few interesting findings of people that I know as they are doing some fabulous job and creating a storm on the internet.

Design_ByKaur is based out of Ludhiana: She is a fashion designer by profession and blogger by passion. She has been cooking some amazing food and been sharing the dishes every day. I met her at Radisson Ludhiana when we went there for #inflenceofbloggers. You must follow her to see what she is cooking next.

EatWithBik is also from Ludhiana and he is another upcoming blogger. Last night he made jalebi. I have been following these two people, as they churn new dishes every day.

My friend and partner in crime Vickrham Vicky made gulab jamun last night and now he is planning to make rasgulla over the weekend.


Sneha Saikia is also churning out some amazing dishes and also been sharing her thoughts on Instagram.

Sonali Aggarwal has just started her youtube channel and last week she cooked the entire Bengali meal which looked delicious.

I have been also cooking our bihar food quite a lot and been sharing on social media. Now I plan to share the recipes too!.


Everyone in their own way is trying to cope up with the tough situation. Cooking is a therapy for me and for many others, as well.

We are hoping that this will end soon and we will have a normal life.  But the big question is what the new normal life post COVID-19 is? I will talk about it in the next blog post.



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